Our enterprise

Micro craft brewery, 100 liter brews, my passion

My craft micro brewery, created in 2019 following the purchase of a new and unexploited micro brewery, I decided to acquire it and make craft and original beers in my spare time. Learning takes a long time and the first brews have surprises in store for me: foam geysers, explosions, etc., but the taste and quality have always been appreciated by those close to me.

After multiple tests and correction of recipes, my beers have acquired their maturity and are now very popular drinks. My currencies are: 

  • High quality products
  • Natural ingredients
  • To listen to my customers
  • To make personalized beers on request
  • Impeccable customer service
  • A 30-day money back guarantee if the product has a defect

Personalized beers

I am at your disposal if you wish to brew a personalized beer for your private parties, please contact me

Our team

Craft brewery means minimal team

I am currently the only brewer on board for the manufacturing, bottling and labeling, but I also have outside and appreciated help in times of need and large orders.

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